Old Scholars' Cup 2008

The recipient of the Old Scholars’ Cup this year is a person who seems to have struck the perfect balance between modesty and humility on the one hand and an outgoing generosity of spirit on the other. This person is utterly reliable and whenever they have given help it has been given willingly, without fuss and without expectation of recognition.

In their dealings with others this person has demonstrated a good sense of humour but also the sensitivity and maturity to know when to draw the line.

This person has an obvious affection for the school and has given of their time unselfishly in many areas.

He was a keen member of the European Youth Parliament team which brought great credit to the school by reaching the national finals. He has been a regular helper in Coram House where he has heard children read on a weekly basis. The Coram House staff have come to know him as a hugely committed individual who has demonstrated a natural talent for working with small children. He has assisted in the school’s Autism Resource sharing his IT skills with the children there. He has also been the House Captain for one of our Houses giving a very clear lead in that role.

He was a key member of the Charity Week Committee and threw himself into the occasion with great vigour showing a keenness to allow others to have fun at his expense.

The recipient has also made his mark outside the school helping at a children’s holiday club working with a group of seven year olds. In this capacity his love of life and fun was notable.

This person’s most obvious interest is in music and his contribution to music has been exceptionally valuable not only to the school but also to the local orchestra which he leads. In school his contribution to the performing arts has been exceptional whether it be on stage, singing, or playing his violin he has always shown the utmost professionalism and commitment to high standards and in doing so he has brought great pleasure to many hundreds of people.

This year’s winner of the Old Scholar’s Cup is, of course, Stephen Flatman.