AOSA Officers 2011-2012
Information about the officers who help run the association can be found on the AOSA Officers page.
Guild Secretaries
Information about the secretaries who look after different regions of the UK can be found on the Guild Secretaries page.
AOSA Membership
More information about membership of the AOSA can be found on the membership page.
AOSA Constitution
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Ackworth Old Scholars’ Association Administration
The Association is currently administered by the AOSA Committee which normally meets once a year at the time of the Easter Gathering. This committee delegates the day to day running of the Association to the Executive Committee which usually meets three times a year. At recent meetings of both these committees it was felt that this was an unnecessary level of bureaucracy and that the Association could be adequately served by the Executive Committee alone. To make this change, an amendment to the Constitution will be required and notice is now given that it is proposed to recommend such an amendment to the Annual General Meeting in 2009.
The last full revision of the Association’s Constitution took place in 1991; it was subsequently amended at the Annual General Meeting in 2006 to take account of the new category of Lifelong Membership. If the proposal mentioned above is agreed at the AGM in 2009 the Constitution will need to be fully revised. A copy of the proposed revision, incorporating all the changes, is set out on the constitution page for reference.
General Secretary